For Parents

Parental Controls with your Internet Provider
Instructions to set up parental controls with your internet provider

Parental Controls on Apple Devices
For ipads, iphones and ipods

Parental Controls for Android Devices
For phones and tablets

Using Computers in the Home
Excellent advice to keep your child safe on the internet whilst in the home

A place for parents to report any media content they feel is unsuitable for children

Protecting your children from Extremism online

Educate Against Hate
Protecting your children from radicalisation and extremism

Reporting E-Safety Misuse or Abuse

To report any incidents our named
E-Safety officer is Mr Westbrook and our Child Protection
Officer is our Head Teacher, Miss Quiligotti. 

You can contact Mr Westbrook or Miss Chwastek through the school office,
or telephone 0161 445 6359.

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Be who God wants you to be...
...and so set the world on fire

St Catherine's RC Primary School

School Lane, Didsbury
Manchester, M20 6HS

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