Homework Progression at St. Catherine's
What is the purpose of the homework set for my child?
The main purpose of homework at St. Catherine’s is to consolidate learning. We consolidate learning similarly at the beginning of many of our lessons in school and it helps children to continue to revisit different concepts throughout the academic year. With continued practice, children become more confident in re-calling key skills and applying them in different contexts.
How is my child given feedback on their homework?
Teachers give feedback on children’s homework in a variety of ways, including self- and peer-marking. Further up the school, we aim to develop the independence of children self-assessing their own homework, with teacher guidance. Through feedback, teachers identify common errors and incorporate them into class teaching and/or homework feedback – whichever is deemed most useful and appropriate.
What should I do if my child is struggling with their homework?
- If your child is struggling with a particular question on their homework and they have tried their hardest, they can leave this question blank and let their teacher know. The teacher will then incorporate this into class feedback when marking homework or a staff member will support your child to answer the question.
- If your child has struggled with a question but has been able to complete it with adult support, please put a little note on the question to let your child’s class teacher know that some support was needed.
- If your child is consistently struggling with wider aspects of their homework, please email the school office to speak to your child’s class teacher so that we can look into what is best to support your child’s learning.
We do not want homework to cause any upset or distress for our children. If your child is struggling or cannot answer their homework, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Are there any resources to support my child with their homework?
There are lots of support websites and resources listed on our school website. Click on the 'Classes' section and then your child's year group page.
Please know that we do place a good level of importance on the completion of homework and we appreciate all parent/carer support with this but we also know that many of our children are involved in a great range of activities outside of school which are invaluable. We ask that parents and carers support their child in coming up with a set homework routine so that homework tasks can best support the learning of their child but also don’t cause stress or clashes with other important activities outside of school.