The Role of the Governing Body

The role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic input and to act as a ‘critical friend’, supporting and also challenging the school. Their remit includes being involved in monitoring that pupils are making progress, having responsibility for overall school budgets and also contributing to development plans for the school. Governors are all volunteers and at St Catherine’s we have four different types of governor:

Foundation Governors – these are appointed by the Bishop of Salford and their role is to uphold the school’s Catholic ethos and mission.

Parent Governors – they are elected by the parent body and their role is to represent the full cross-section of parental views. They need to ensure that the wellbeing of pupils is at the forefront of all decision-making.

Staff Governors – in addition to the Headteacher who is a governor by virtue of their job, one or two other members of staff are elected by their colleagues to represent their views.

Local Authority Governor – one governor represents the Local Authority, although they are not obliged to vote according to Local Authority policy.

St Catherine's Governing Body was reconstituted in line with Diocesan and DfE recommendations on 1st September 2015

If you want to contact governors, please either send an email to: (please state FAO: governing body) or phone the school office on 0161 445 6359 and leave a message.

Be who God wants you to be...
...and so set the world on fire

St Catherine's RC Primary School

School Lane, Didsbury
Manchester, M20 6HS

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